The developer of this cut was Henry Grossbard. He developed and patented the radiant cut in 1977 because he didn’t want people to have to sacrifice on brilliance in order to have the shape of the emerald cut diamond. What came about was an utterly beautiful diamond that has become a mainstay of engagement rings everywhere. Mr. Grossbard realized that all diamonds with straight edges were faceted with long rectangular surfaces. The step cut, as it is called, gave the diamond a glassy look without much sparkle. As any bride to be would agree, you can’t have the diamond without the sparkle. So, he combined the two cuts and it resulted in a stone second to none.
There is only one place to get the original Radiant cut diamond, and that is through the company that Mr. Grossbard founded. There are plenty of Radiant cut diamonds out there, but to get a true Radiant that doesn’t sacrifice proportion or brilliance, you probably should go to those who originated the radiant cut diamond in the first place. Radiant cut diamonds are not just limited to rings, but also make beautiful earrings and other jewelry pieces. Sadly, Henry Grossbard died a tragic death, but his radiant cut diamond is sure to be around forever.
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